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Reef/Residential RODI

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Product Description


Buckeye Reef/Residential Systems include the most popular set of accessories for optimum performance and operation in a configuration designed to produce DI water as well as RO drinking water. Units come assembled, and include: clear housings, 1-micron poly sediment filter; 0.5-micron, 20,000 gallon carbon block; RO membrane, rust-proof bracket, pressure gauge, housing wrench, drain saddle, 6 feet of blue, yellow, and white tubing for the supply water, drain, and purified water; filled, refillable DI resin cartridge (semiconductor grade resin); 3.2 gallon pressure tank with valve, an automatic shutoff valve with check valve, 15 feet of tubing to connect the system, tank, and faucet; an inline taste and odor filter, and a long-reach faucet.  Shipped in two large boxes.

We offer an expansive range of options and add-ons, some of which are described below and can be selected above.  Not sure what options would be best in your situation? Need an extra stage?  All our water treatment systems are built in our shop and can be customized. Please give us a call - we have a specialist waiting to talk with you!

RODI Capacity  Depending in large part upon which RO membrane is used, RODI systems are configured to produce a specific number of gallons per day.  There are several things to consider when selecting the capacity best for your situation.  If we consider a 75 gallon per day system for example, a bit of arithmetic shows the system will produce 3 gallons per hour.  So although you may never need to produce 75 gallons of RODI water in a day, most users will find a "gallons per hour capacity" approach more practical.
24 GPD = 1 GPH; 36 GPD = 1.5 GPH; 50 GPD = 2.1 GPH; 75 GPD = 3.1 GPH; 100 GPD = 4.2 GPH; 150 GPD = 6.3 GPH
These capacities will be met (+ 20%), if the feedwater meets factory specifications.  Also consider how well the various RO membranes clean the feedwater:  


Flush Valve  Routine use of a flush valve can help extend the useful life of the RO membrane.  Options include a manual valve the user should open occasionally; or an automatic valve powered by a transformer (included) that opens once per hour for 18 seconds - giving you one less thing to remember to do!

DI Bypass  Many users wish to access their RO water before it reaches the DI stage.  With the opening of a valve, a DI Bypass Valve will allow you to do just that!

TDS Meter  These meters are an important tool in assessing the purity of your treated water.  Both inline and handheld meters are available.  See our Meters and Controllers for detailed descriptions of each.

Feedwater Supply Fitting  Feedwater Fittings are used to tap into your plumbing to supply water to the system.  Depending upon where in your home or facility you install the system, we have a fitting that will work for you!

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Product Reviews

  1. Extremely well made RO/DI Reef / Drinking Unit 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 1st Sep 2020

    Buckeye Hydro has done a great job building this RO/DI reef/drinking unit. Buckeye Hydro has used great components from reputable companies. The unit has many small details that other companies do not do, like this unit has a holder for the water polisher. Other units just have the water polisher hang on the water tubing. The metal hanging bracket is solid. The filter canisters are the high end. If you start comparing this unit to others you will see that the quality of this unit is superior. It's a great unit.

  2. Best investment and customer service 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 16th Feb 2016

    I purchased this unit and had no idea how to install it. After fumbling through the directions and not really understanding them, I called the customer service #, on a Saturday morning. A gentlemen picked up and walked me through the entire process on how to hook it up. I have been making RO water at home and RODI as well. Just an all around perfect experience. If I could work for this company, I would.

  3. High Quality, Commercial-grade system 5 Star Review

    Posted by on 25th Oct 2015

    Before purchasing this system I evaluated a variety of alternatives (such as traditional home water systems at Home Depot and Lowe's, etc.). My goal was to produce great water for both drinking and for my marine aquarium. What I really like about the Buckeye Hydro system is the following: First, it produces exceptional quality water (RO water from this system is superior to all the bottled water I have been purchasing). Second, all components are modular and can readily accessed, replaced, or upgraded. That is, this filtration system has all the attributes that you would expect from a commercial-grade system. Third, Buckeye Hydro's customer service is top notch, with extremely quick feedback and help.

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Buckeye typcially ships the same day, or less commonly, the day after an order is placed. The majority of our shipments are sent UPS Ground or FedEx Ground. Estimated delivery times for these services are similar, and are shown below. See our policies page for additional shipping information.

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When should I replace my filters?
Will Buckeye filters fit properly in my water filtration system?
Do I need to do anything special when I install new cartridges in my RO or RO/DI system?

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